I had to make a business trip up to Fargo, ND this week, and it looks like someone's been posting on my blog while I was gone! Hmmm. Wonder what that's all about???? Note to self... turn on password protection.
Anyway, enough of that.
I woke up this morning to the fun message in my email. Ponder$DOG placed Trolls on the Luce

It was a good hide, but it included a bridge. (Trolls? Bridge? Get it?) I generally don't like bridge caches because they are hard, and I'm a wimp. I like geocaches that are the size of a VW Beetle (the old ones) sitting on the 50-yard line in the Metrodome, with orange ribbons streaming from it. That's the kind of geocaches I like.
Trolls on the Luce was a small Lock & Lock, was well hidden, and took us a while to find the thing. But it felt great to get our 5th FTF. The photo is the Luce Line as it appeared this morning in 25 degree temps. Still cold and icy. Come on spring!