Sunday, February 1, 2009

Picking up Archived Geocaches

A few weeks back, one of our local geocachers passed away.  He had over 20 hides, several of which we had found. The rules at forbid anyone from adopting the caches, and the family didn't want continued emails when finds were logged on these caches. So the listings were all archived.

Now the containers are basically, litter.

We decided to go pick a couple up. I figured it was a nice thing to do, plus, those are good containers that can be recycled into new geocaches.

We knew exactly where a couple of them were, and wouldn't need a GPSr to to find them. The first one was a Park & Grab, but when we got there, it wasn't. Someone must have already picked it up.

The next one was a bit more remote - off the Luce Line Trail. Our readers may recall that we too have caches out on the Luce Line.

Geocaching Tracks in Snow

The snow was still pretty deep and we had to do a little snow-whacking to get to the hide.  But the container was there, and we picked it up.

It was a perfect day for a hike on the trail - the first day since winter began that the mercury had risen over 32 degrees.  The sun was shining, and as we walked I had to remove a layer to keep from over-heating. When we were getting close to the next hide, I asked Wayfarer to turn on the GPSr. We would need help in zeroing in on this one.

You may remember that we are now using Trimble's Geocache Navigator on Wayfarer's new Blackberry. Problem is (as we discovered while on the trail), Geocache Navigator does not list archived caches. Didn't even think of it until that moment.

And if you've ever tried accessing from a mobile device, you'd know that that's a losing cause. We turned around and headed back to the car.

Oh well, it was a good day for a walk in the woods. We'll have to go back some day soon.

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