As many of our loyal readers may have experienced, we've had some slow loading pages on our blog.
You can see one of our pages loading, to the right here.
If you stare at it long enough, it does absolutely nothing.
Kinda like our blog.
So I decided to do something about it.
The lovely and talented, wayfarer, is very much into search engine optimization (SEO). Visit her blog to see lots of tips and tricks to make Google rank your pages higher.
She pointed out to me that web pages load in a browser from left, to right. And I had a bunch of slow-loading widgets in our left side bar. That caused the whole blog to load about like that photo up there.
So I moved all the testudine-like widgets over to the right side bar. The page should load much faster. Still having server errors with our sign-in log, but that's not this page.
Let us know what you think.